Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Weigh In #27

I think the figures speak for themselves this week. FOUR POUNDS OFF.

I finally feel like the end is in sight. I've got less than 30 pounds to go until target and if I get another pound off then I'll be into the 11 stone range. I honestly can't ever remember ever weighing under 12 stone. Sometimes the number on the scales still looks foreign to me, as I forget how much weight I've lost. I still expect to see 16 stone, or 15 stone staring back at me.

Slimming World has changed my life. Fact.

Starting Weight: 227 pounds
Current Weight: 168.5 pounds
Weight Loss This Week: 4 pounds
Total Weight Loss: 58.5 pounds
Target Weight: 140 pounds

28.5  pounds to go!

Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Weigh In #26

I have mixed emotions tonight.

On the one hand I only lost half a pound (after watching what I ate on my weekend away in London and counting every single syn).

On the other hand I WON WOMAN OF THE YEAR. Ahem. I got a gorgeous bunch of flowers, a certificate and a lovely silver pen (which is going on my desk at work and I'm going to make everyone address me as Woman of the Year. Ha!).

On another hand (I am a multi handed beast), I'm too fat to go on to the District finals! Which I think is fairly fattist of a slimming organisation. I'd need to be 11st 5lbs or under to be eligible.

So there were highs and lows at group this week. I'm extremely chuffed to have won though as I seriously never win anything! And it's lovely that so many people nominated me, as I'm not the most vocal member of my group by far and I wasn't sure many people noticed me! We had to give a little speech about our weight loss journey and I nearly shed a little tear when I talked about everything that's happened over the last year. I guess I really have come a long way.

Onwards and upwards to get my four stone award next week (I hope).

Starting Weight: 227 pounds
Current Weight: 172.5 pounds
Weight Loss This Week: 0.5 pounds
Total Weight Loss: 54.5 pounds
Target Weight: 140 pounds

32.5  pounds to go!

Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Weigh In #25

Three pounds!



I'm rather chuffed with my loss this week. Mainly because I had two nights out but stayed well within my syn allowance for the week. I kept track of what I drank and counted it up the next day to double check how many syns I'd had. Sticking to gin and slimline tonic or vodka and diet coke really does seem to work for me. Can't say I don't miss ice cold pints of cider though. Or a nice crisp glass of Sauvignon Blanc. Mmmm, wine.

I finally feel like I've broken the back of the weight now. Am well over half way. In fact, I'm close to being two thirds of the way there. Amazing. I honestly never thought I'd see the day when I'd be happy with how I look. But I'm getting there. Slowly but surely.

A few people at group have nominated me for Woman of the Year. Am kind of overwhelmed by that to be honest as I really don't think I've done anything that inspirational. I won't win but it's lovely to even be nominated. I'm so much happier and so much more confident than I was this time last year and that's prize enough for me.

I need to lose two pounds next week to get my four stone award. Four. Stone. I can't believe it. I've been trying to lose weight for so long. I've been on various ridiculous diets for about ten years now but I never actually truly thought I could do it.

It's lovely when you prove yourself wrong.

Starting Weight: 227 pounds
Current Weight: 173 pounds
Weight Loss This Week: 3 pounds
Total Weight Loss: 54 pounds
Target Weight: 140 pounds

33  pounds to go!

Thursday, 5 August 2010

Weigh In #24

Hmph. One measly pound off this week.

It was star week though so I shouldn't really complain. But I will. Because I'm greedy and impatient. I had a 100% week too. I think. Although, come to think of it, I probably went over on my syns slightly. C'est la vie!

I'm back on the low syn wagon this week, hoping to average about 7 a day. It's my best friend's birthday this weekend so I'll have to save syns up for a few cheeky gin and slimline tonics. No chocolate for me this week then. Boo!

I'll leave you with a photo that I posted on my other blog a few days ago. It's of me in the work trousers that barely fitted me in January. I used to have to unbutton them after I'd eaten my lunch. Probably because my lunch usually consisted of two M&S sandwiches, a sausage roll from Greggs and a bag of crisps. Yes, really. Disgusting.


Starting Weight: 227 pounds
Current Weight: 176 pounds
Weight Loss This Week: 1 pound
Total Weight Loss: 51 pounds
Target Weight: 140 pounds

36  pounds to go!